Blashford Lakes
Blashford lakes are former gravel pits now used for drinking water storage and nature conservation. The lakes are surrounded by grassland and willow, birch and alder woodland.

The Lakes attract thousands of wildfowl in winter as well as bittern and good numbers of woodland birds including redpoll, siskin and brambling. Wildlife watching is easy with access to 6 accessible bird hides and a number of “viewing screens” around the site.

During the summer months it is a great place to look for adder, grass snake and kingfisher and with 26 species recorded to date it is also an excellent site for dragonflies.

The nature reserve has an Education Centre and a trail guide and toilets for visitors. There are 5 miles of rolled gravel paths give access around the site suitable for all season use by mobility scooters, pushchairs and more robust wheelchairs. Two “Tramper” mobility scooters are available to borrow by prior arrangement.

Blashford Nature Reserve Map/Leaflet PDF

All year
Open daily 9 to 4.30pm except Christmas Day.
Blashford Lakes Centre, Ellingham Drove, Ringwood BH24 3PJ
Managed by Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife
Tel:01425 472760

  More pictures
Blashford Lakes  Education Centre with a trail guide and toilets for visitors
Blashford Lakes  The best views of the lakes and wildlife can be seen by visiting one of the 6 bird hides
Blashford Lakes  Hides all have ramped access
Blashford Lakes  Paths all waymarked and a map is available from the centre
On the A338 north of Ringwood turn right into Ellingham Drove. After 400 yards, take the first left for the main reserve car park or right to park near the Education Centre.
  More info
• Toilets
• Disabled toilet
• Baby changing
• No dogs allowed
• No refreshments available
• Car parks open 9am to 4.30pm and locked at other times.
Blashford Lakes
Blashford Lakes