Hatchet Pond
Hatchet Pond is the largest body of water in the New Forest. Created in the 18th Centuary to provide power for an iron mill, the pond today provides valuable habitats for wildlife as well as being a scenic backdrop for a Picnic. This is also a good place to head for to watch the sun go down.
One mile west of Beaulieu and the B3054.
Plenty of parking next to the pond.
Wheelchair accessible next to the pond in the car park area.
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A great place to take a picture at sunset.

Sunset times
The countryside around Hatchet Pond
Hatchet Pond
Hatchet Pond has two other small ponds on the western end. The one below, the larger of the two doesn't have many fish, but ones in there are supposed to be quite big. The fish in the pond are; Roach, Bream, Tench and Carp.
Hatchet Pond