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Tuesday. Not a very fine day. We played & sang after breakfast & worked a little & talked a deal. We went to see the new plantations & walks which are progressing famously - came in & lunched. I then wrote to dear Mummy. It seems quite strange to be away from her & dear Lu after being so much together at Brighton. Just as I finished dear G [Georgiana] arrived having come to spend the day here while Albert was gone to the Archdeacons meeting. She looks very well - not quite so well as at Brighton.
Down Farm, Compton, near Guildford, OS 1871
Map credit:National Library of Scotland
Click on image to zoom in 
The pin on the map points to where Jessy's sister Marianne’s house, Down Farm (also called Down Place) once stood. It was demolished in 1963. Except for the main road the surrounding countryside is probably much the same as it was in the 1840s.