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Soon after her arrival Blanch H & me took a nice walk on the hay with little Lu & amused ourselves with telling stories 10 minutes each being the allowance. Came in soon after dressed for dinner. Marianne gave G [Georgiana] a specimen of her powers of hairdressing doing each of our plaits in a different style - dear Georgiana gave me another lesson in crochet work. We were a very merry party. In the evening Blanch played at draughts with Mr Mills! In order that we might not be so late again as this morning Blanch agreed to
hairstyles 1840s
Fashionable Hairstyles
The World of Fashion magazine 1840

Marianne's family at the time consisted of her husband, Frederick and children, Frederick 9yrs, Arthuronston 8yrs, Lucy 7yrs, Mary 3yrs and George 1yr.
Family Tree