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On the Wednesday January 3 Mary Tudor left & Sally Waring arrived & stayed till Friday.
8th January. Papa's birthday we had a dinner party & a very pleasant little dance in the evening. We & our friends played. Blanch, Alix & Wills came. Also Sally & Mary Waldo, Blanch, Alexander & W. slept here & we rehearsed "Bluebeard".
18th January the Kensington Ball where we met many people we knew & would have been very pleasant but for the immense crowd. Papa went with us! & actually
George Scott Jessy's father
George Scott

Picture credit: Hammersmith and Fulham Archives Centre

1) George Scott was deeply involved in the religious, social and business life around Hammersmith and was also a respected magistrate who provided generously to the causes of his poorer neighbours.
2) Mary Waldo b1796 is the daughter of Mary Scott and John Waring and Sally is her sister-in-law.
Family Tree