charming chat with dear Kitty.
Sunday. We went to church ….. & heard 2 excellent sermons from Mr Parrin but the church looked lamentably empty & neglected. After St George's we called at St Peter’s Terrace [Sarah Gibson's house] & Stoemamas after church. I thought the latter looked very well. - Going to church in the afternoon we met Mrs Cooke & Elise & Riccarde coming out of Mr Clarke’s who has been laid up with a bad foot. Elise looked extremely nice in a new & very becoming bonnet & a
St Peter's Church, St Peter's Square, Hammersmith
Photograph credit: Peter Trimming
The site of the church was donated by Jessy’s father, George Scott. In 1807 he married Hannah Lucy Stoe, the daughter of another wealthy local family who brought as her marriage settlement the sum of £5,000, a large portion of land south of Ravenscourt Park and the land around Black Lion Lane (now St Peter's Square).